When contacting, human me will get back to you in 24-48 hours.
Within the horror genre, these are some of the things I currently am accepting for reviews:
Horror videogames (must be available on PC) + PR boxes (if applicable).
Horror films (full feature and short films) + PR boxes (if applicable).
Horror streaming platforms (hosting horror films, shows, etc).
Horror aligned or themed clothing brands.
Horror collectibles (props, replicas, etc).
Horror festivals (available to attend virtually) + PR boxes (if applicable)..
Festivals with in-person attendance: please message me with more information.​
Horror magazines (digital or print).
Things I currently am not accepting for reviews:
Makeup brands.
Stores and locations.
Board games or subscription based games.
Books and/or novels.
If you still have questions, please do reach out!
For any time sensitive reviews or other questions, please feel free to DM me directly on Twitter. Thank you so much for contacting me and I will be in touch soon.
Have a slashing day! 🔪
-Natalie / Cat